
Installation #

Obtaining a copy of the repository #

New here? #

To clone the repository, open a terminal1 and run the following command from the directory into which you’d like to place the project (e.g., from ~/repos).

git clone [DIRNAME]

DIRNAME is optional, and specifies the name of the directory into which the project will be cloned on your local machine. You could call it “m4md” for instance, if you wanted something a bit shorter than the default “models-for-missing-data.”

Existing I&M uplands member? #

If you’re a member of the team that helped to create this tool, you may want to fetch the uplands data and analysis config files we’ve been using, which are kept as private submodules on GitLab.2

git clone --recurse-submodules --remote-submodules \ [DIRNAME]

The git clone command above will recurse through all of the project submodules and ask you to authenticate with GitLab as necessary.


If you’re seeing empty submodule directories after cloning, try running git submodule update --init!

  1. Windows users will need to use Git Bash to do this, which comes with your installation of Git for Windows↩︎

  2. If this command doesn’t work, try updating Git (--remote-submodules is only available in newer versions of Git). Alternatively, try removing --remote-submodules from the git clone command. ↩︎