
Requirements #

The requirements include R (v4.X.X) and RStudio (if you’d like to work with models-for-missing-data interactively), and JAGS (v4.3.0). Git and Git Bash (for Windows users) are convenient if you’d like to stay up to date with the latest changes.

The requirements (including a few non-essentials) are described in the latest Dockerfile. You’re likely to need everything you see beneath install2.r in the instructions below. You can install these from your R console with install.packages().

FROM rocker/geospatial:4.1.2

# Copy Latin Modern font files to fonts directory and refresh fonts cache.
COPY /tmp
RUN unzip tmp/ -d /usr/share/fonts && \
    fc-cache -f -v && \
    rm tmp/

# Install JAGS.
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y jags

# Graphics and other required packages.
RUN apt-get install tree && \
    Rscript -e "update.packages(ask = FALSE)" && \
    install2.r --error \
        abind \
        spsurvey \
        hrbrthemes \
        ggthemes \
        ggridges \
        cowplot \
        HDInterval \
        rjags \
        coda \
        R2jags \
        runjags \
        bayesplot \
        extraDistr \
        MCMCpack \
        magick \
        gifski \
        gganimate \