Response info

Response information #

The usual case #

In the usual case, we are working with a single vector of observations (a single column of data in a flat file). Below, we see the first few lines of the data block for an analysis of count-type data from Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument (LIBI), in Montana (a park within the Rocky Mountain Network). The file, rich.yml, lives in the directory assets/uplands-config/ROMN/LIBI.

# ==== DATA ===================================================================

response info:
    file: data/ROMN/LIBI_richness_20171208_r.csv
    state variable:
        response column:
            - Native species richness
            - Native forb species richness
    sampling method: plot
    sample id column(s):
        - Transect
        - Plot

The response info section of the data block specifies the file (see the response data) for more detail on the contents of this file), the name of the column containing the response variable of interest (response column), a corresponding human-readable description for each response variable (description), and the names of the columns required to identify individual observations (sample id column(s)). In some cases, sample id column(s) is a single column, while in others it’s multiple.


There is one additional option for count models requiring offsets.

response info:
    file: assets/uplands-data/CASP/modified/spp_comp_0to25.csv
    state variable:
        response column:
            - n_spp
            - Richness per acre
        offset column: n_acres_per_belt # plot_size/4046.86, e.g., (20*50)/4046.86
    sampling method: plot
    sample id column(s):
        - plot_name