Non-centered parameterization

Non-centered parameterization #

Syntax #

parameterization info: non-centered

Usage #

When you see this sort of funnel-like shape in your funnel plots,

or the compressions / “squeeze” seen in these funnel traces,
then it may be time to consider a non-centered parameterization, which you can invoke by including the YAML block above in your analysis config file.

In the lower panel of the funnel traces, you can see that \(\sigma_{\beta_0}\) drifts into smaller values and gets a bit “stuck”. Basically, the sampler can’t efficiently explore that parameter space. While stuck, the slopes \(\beta_j\) compress / squish together, thereby creating the problematic funnel we saw in the first figure.

It’s possible to escape this funnel with a small reparameterization, called the “non-centered” parameterization. We won’t go into detail here, but the basic problem, and solution, is described by others. The outputs used to find evidence of a funnel (and hence a clue that the non-centered parameterization may be needed), are found here.

Resources #

Approachable, less-technical material #

Technical / mathy material #

  • A General Framework for the Parametrization of Hierarchical Models by Papaspiliopoulos et al. ( Citation: , & (). A general framework for the parametrization of hierarchical models. Statistical Science. 59–73. )
  • Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Hierarchical Models by Betancourt and Girolami ( Citation: & (). Hamiltonian monte carlo for hierarchical models. Current trends in Bayesian methodology with applications, 79(30). 2–4. )
  • Appendix D in Monnahan et al. ( Citation: , & (). Faster estimation of bayesian models in ecology using hamiltonian monte carlo. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8(3). 339–348. )

References #

Betancourt & Girolami (2015)
& (). Hamiltonian monte carlo for hierarchical models. Current trends in Bayesian methodology with applications, 79(30). 2–4.
McElreath (2020)
(). Statistical rethinking: A bayesian course with examples in r and stan. Chapman; Hall/CRC.
Monnahan, Thorson & Branch (2017)
, & (). Faster estimation of bayesian models in ecology using hamiltonian monte carlo. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8(3). 339–348.
Papaspiliopoulos, Roberts & Sköld (2007)
, & (). A general framework for the parametrization of hierarchical models. Statistical Science. 59–73.